Sari Silvanto

Sari Silvanto's headshot

Department Chair / Professor

(310) 243-3447



Dr. Silvanto has earned a Ph.D. from the Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK, an M.Sc. from the Aston Business School, Aston University, UK., and a B.B.A from Aalto University School of Business, Finland. Dr. Silvanto’s research interests are in international marketing and branding. Her current work examines how branding strategies are applied to promoting cities, regions and countries to attract tourists, investors, trade and skilled professionals. Since 2009, Dr. Silvanto has published a number of articles in indexed peer-reviewed journals. Recent examples include “An Empirical Study of Nation Branding for Attracting Internationally Mobile Skilled Professionals”, published in Career Development International and “A Contextual, Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Uses of University Degrees as Symbolic Capital in Self-Initiated Expatriation,” published in the European Journal of International Management. Dr. Silvanto has also published in the Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, Journal of Global Mobility, International Journal of Business and Globalisation, The Marketing Review, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, and Marketing Intelligence and Planning. Originally from Finland, Dr. Silvanto has taught at business schools in the US, Spain and the UK over the last decade. Prior to CSUDH, she taught marketing at the University of California, Riverside.


Courses Taught at CSUDH

MKT 350, Principles of Marketing

MKT 352, Advertising and Promotion Management

MKT 358, International Marketing

MKT 454, Marketing Research

MKT 459, Seminar in Marketing Management

MKT 500, Marketing Management


Curriculum Vitae

View the curriculum vitae for Professor Silvanto.



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